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Refund policy

At "bestiptvstor.com" we value customer satisfaction and strive to provide the best possible service, If you are not satisfied with our service or the product you have received, we offer a flexible refund policy that grants you the right to request a refund under the following conditions:

1 . Refund requests must be made within 7 from the date of purchase

2 . The refund will be issued using the same payment method used in the original purchase.

3 . Before you buy, be sure to request a trial account. We have set up a trial account so that you can test it and if you are not satisfied, do not buy a long-term service.

4. If you selected the wrong service and paid for it, you can contact us and our support staff will review it and process your refund

5 . If your account expires 7 days later, the refund request will not be accepted.

Please be aware that our services and goods are subject to this policy. Please carefully read and comprehend the terms and conditions.